After the 2008 crisis the amount of fiat money printed and loaned has surged in global market. The Fed, followed by US government, flooded the financial market with the combination of zero interest bonds, quantitative easing and bail-out policy that has been running for several years. Both the Fed and US Government said that this combination efforts are meant to stimulate the private sector to keep their business running and to reach the necessary growth level of GDP to escape the recession that entangled US economy since 2008. By the time the escape level has been achieved, the USD interest rate and the printing speed of this fiat money will be set to normal again.
After seven years, it turns out that the Fed and US government have failed to achieve their goals. The fiat money pumped into the market has failed to resurect the collapsing real sector. This happens because most of the money just run around in financial market. The big manufacturing companies have exported the manufacturing jobs to foreign countries. Most of the new domestic jobs can only be created in hospitality industries.
In the end, the US third quarter statistics of this year (2015) bring a weird figure of the increased new jobs followed by the decreased average wages. And then the increased consumption level is dominated by the creation of the new bubble in automotive sales while the other goods show declining trends in their sales. The decrease in unemployment rate is also followed by the decrease in labor force participation. And this sparks the debate on the estimation of the real number of unemployment. And what about the latest mood of the small business in US? They feel optimistic but they don’t want to hire new employees. And on top of these anomalies, the US government debt has reached the level that can make the country goes bankrupt if the Fed raises the interest rate back to normal (at 3% or above) too soon.
Those attempts to prep up the economy ended up with the creation of so many bubbles linked together and able to blow up global economy within days. We have housing bubble, student loans bubble, emerging market bubble, US bonds bubble and who knows what other bubbles out there.
As the dominating global currency, the US dollar value is maintained by pegging the value of most commodities to it. The pegging then creates demand for USD to be used in global trades. And the main pillar of global demand for US dollar is crude oil industry that gives the nickname of petrodollar for this currency.
When we talk about forex market, then we're talking about microeconomics. Currency become the goods and there are supply and demand for the currency. Once the monopolistic power can be instituted, the power wielder will be free to decide the price level in the market. That's the rule. As for the direct impacts of currency market on a country's wealth, that's because money plays direct role in all variables that build GDP.
Pegging the value of goods and services to a currency will put the prices of such products under the mercy of that currency producer. It explains why the petrodollar printed at rocket speed followed by near zero interest rate still punches other currencies down. Most countries get stuck in the need to use petrodollar for their international trades. It also explains why any attempts to exit from petrodollar will incite hostile reactions from the producer of this currency.
The birth of petrodollar gives us the idea on why US government always messing around in the oil rich regions, they need to force other countries to use US dollar in global trade to keep this currency afloat. Sadam Husein tried to get naughty and used Euro for Iraqi oil and he got busted. Gadafi tried to introduce African Gold Dinar and he also got busted.
And when the producer of this petrodollar creates the bubbles with chain reactions, nobody can stop it. And worse, not many people can escape the explosion.
Enter the bear. Putin had started the introduction of the flexibilities of Russian Ruble, gold base transactions and barter system for Russian exports and imports. This raised the severe reactions both from US and EU. They employ trade sanctions on Russia and demonize this country along with its leader in mass media.
In their attempt to destroy Russia, they tried to replace the energy supplied by Russia to European countries with the supply by the pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Europe, crossing several countries in Middle East and Europe. And when Assad refused to allow the pipeline crossing Syria, they incited uprising in Syria.
As the civil war in Syria lingered with no real results, NATO then tried fracking option. This leaves Saudi at the prospect of becoming the lone loser in their dirty deal. Then the oil war exploded between crudes faction vs fracks faction which leads to the imminent combustion of fracking bubble.
But the fracks faction has its backup in bankers cartel. They don’t need to lament their lost war against crudes faction. The bankers cartel has made preparations to set the commodities exporter countries for sale. The loss from oil war will be recovered by the profit from grabbing commodity sites. And the bankers are expecting that the garage sale of commodity sites will be opened before the fracking bubble explodes.
Year after year the bankers cartel has pushed down the values of these countries currencies by spreading rumors about the coming increase of the Fed’s rate. They love the prophecy of the second coming of Jesus Christ and they want to make their financial market version. To make it fair for some atheist cartel members, we can say that they want us to wait for Godot in financial market.
The cartel have successfully pushed those currencies down to the abyss with rumors as their only pressing tool. No matter how prudent the monetary policy performed by those targeted countries, the results are still the same.
Meanwhile NATO had already seized Afghanistan with military forces. The taking was done by using war on (t)error as its theme. The Taliban, part of NATO’s former local allies in the struggle to drive Soviet’s army out of Afghanistan, had been trapped into demonizing scheme and the road to place boots in Afghanistan was wide opened.
The taking of Afghanistan is meant to encircle Russia and to set monopoly on lithium extraction by NATO’s members. But considering its important geographical position, Afghanistan will always be contested by global powers regardless of its natural resources.
US government also made the move to cut Iran’s crude oil supply to Russia by negotiating the lifting of trade sanction to Iran and offering to pump in US dollar to Iran. The idea is to lure Iran away from flexible payment system into petrodollar system. The Iran deal is then proposed to Iran government with an offer of 50bn USD for Iran.
That's a cheap bargain for a failing currency They just need to print it and rig its value with rumors. It will only cost the cartel members their saliva to spread the rumors. Should Iran ask for gold? Maybe.
But Israel got angry. Iraq and Syria, two other muslim countries that possess ballistic missiles have been neutralized with civil wars. Iran is the only nearby muslim country that has ballistic missiles and willing to wage total war in the defense of Al Aqsa Mosque. The other muslim countries are either have been neutralized or too far to get involved. A fully intact Iran is a great obstacle for Israel’s ambition to demolish Al Aqsa Mosque.
And Nethanyahu went straight to ask the GOP to nuke Iran deal. He forgot to bring his bomb cartoon with him this time, but he’s successful in gaining the GOP’s support in Congress. Then some people in Congress sent a letter to Iran, telling Iran that they got pissed off by the deal.
The Saudi also felt being backstabbed by the deal. The Saudi has played their role as the local partner in creating havocs in Middle East that drove the arabs to kill arabs. And now the US government wants to abandon them by making a deal with Iran. As the expression of their resentment, the Saudi bombed Yemen and refused to attend Obama’s invitation for GCC meeting with US.
Being completely f*d up both by Bibi and Al Saud, the US government then came up with an interesting move, bombing Iran’s allies on the fields while pleading for the acceptance of Iran deal in Congress. The relationship between US and Iran can be seen as a roller-coaster, anything can happen between them. They bomb each other but they also present Irangate and Iran deal to the world.
As for the Saudi, the solution given to the Saudi is also interesting. Arab Saudi is appointed as the new head of human right commission in United Nations. A country that held the world records of beheading is heading the global human right office now. It is unclear whether the Saudi will be heading the commission, beheading the commission or giving head to the commission. Now it's getting harder for ISIS to break Saudi's records in this beheading business.
And on the ground, US military provides intelligences for the Saudi's bombers. This way the bombs will fall on the heads of their intended foes accurately. And their current favorite targets are wedding parties in Yemen now. Will it be a clue that some horny rich guys in Saudi got stumbled in one sided love affair? And the Houthi are just the scapegoat used to cover up a hanky panky business?
Anyway, bombing a wedding party must be a heroic job in their minds. That's quite an achievement for keeping peace and stability in the region. They might also want to follow the success of American Sniper movie in theatres. Saudi Bomber will be a good title for that movie, or what about American Matchmaker?
Both US and EU aren’t just putting Putin under economic pressures. They expanded their attempt with military adventures by trying to convert Ukraine to their side. This will pushes the border between NATO and Russia right in front of Putin’s door. After being able to see Putin’s house from Alaska, now they want to knock Putin’s door from Ukraine.
NATO started by ousting the former elected Ukraine president and installing new president who pledged allegiance to NATO. The struggle erupted in Ukraine as both sides have their own allies in Ukraine. In the end, this struggle just creates destruction among Ukrainians.
But Assad turned the table on the cartel. He asked Russia for military help to fight ISIS. This request has been answered and Russian jets have started the bombing on ISIS positions. Having official request from the legal government makes Russia gains the advantages to perform coordinated moves from land and air.
The balance of military power among factions in Syrian civil war will be greatly changed. If the coordination between Russian air strikes and Syrian ground troops is good, then Assad will get the upper hand against ISIS.
If Russia is successful in helping Assad to defeat ISIS in Syria, the other factions in Syrian civil war will need to think again about their positions. The Kurds may find it easy to negotiate their rights and roles with Assad. Moderate factions will also have no problems to start the talk. The leaders of radical factions will need to think whether to continue the civil war or to join the talk. But the chance to find peace in Syria will increase. When all factions agree to join hands, ISIS days are numbered.
And if Russia is successful in Syria, then Iraq will be tempted to ask Russia for help too. Added with China's ambition to continue the development of modern silkroad to Middle East, the cartel (represented by NATO countries) will find that their reputation is ruined in the region. While NATO screaming about bombing this and that country, Russia and China offering silkroad which means peace and business.
The cartel is at risk of losing ISIS. So far the cartel has been so successful in using ISIS to scare their people and to do military adventures without any strong opposition from their people. ISIS is a great tool to scare western people to surrender more and more of their rights to the cartel's puppet governments. The cartel's plan to create global fascism will get stuck if ISIS is destroyed. The cartel will do everything to hamper Putin's progress in Syria.
Everything is depended upon Russia's actions against ISIS in Middle East now. Or is it?
West Europe may face chaotic condition. The flood of refugees from mideast has been followed by rumors about ISIS invasion. Current economic condition in Europe is bad. Unemployment rates still high. Refugees influx will only increase the competition to get jobs. This will bring tensions between the locals and the refugees.
Ever wonder why Turkey kicked the refugees out to Europe? Why some people love to spread the rumors about ISIS invasion along with the flood of refugees? Why France got slapped in its rating? Why VW scandal exploded? And why these events happened in short period of time? It's to create chaos in Europe. With those shocks arranged for European people, it will be easy for the cartel to set the fire in Europe and put European people under its foot.
Rumors are the only things needed by the cartel to turn Europe into fascism now. But the cartel won't use MSM as its main weapon for this plan, instead it will depend on provoking agents. The cartel has been successful in implanting provoking agents inside people movements for decades. Some of them are easy to be identified while some others are still undetected. Those agents love to call themselves the enemies of the cartel while at the same time they provoke people to hate each others. These agents will be used to spread the rumors about ISIS invasion to incite hostilities between the locals and the refugees.
Is it a clue that the cartel's plan for future global hunger game will be started in EU? We don't know. But the cartel has two options to start global hunger game now. First is through financial bubble. And the second is through rumors related with refugees flood.
Let's hope that the locals in Europe won't be easily provoked by rumors. Let's hope that the locals and the refugees can join hands to block any attempts designed to ruin their relationship.
Those who really want to see peace will need to put more efforts in reducing the tensions between the locals and the refugees in Europe. It's hard but the cost of letting them hate each others is fascism. And worse, if the problem in Europe is driven toward religions issues, it will spread the fire across the globe. The whole world will go nuts and get f*d by the cartel.
With this fluid condition, the market will looks like a crazy rodeo. The financial market becomes the rider and the global bubble becomes the exploding black horse. The black horse will jump wild and eventually explode. And the rider will get caught in the blast. All is lost but many who managed to run away will have the chance to rise again.
And not far from the rodeo, there's a hay stack piled up nearby a powder keg. Some people come and burn the hay. It's unclear whether the black horse or the keg that explode first. Most people get double impacts and only the remnants will live.
The rodeo master will say that the damages was caused by the keg's explosion. Those who managed to stay alive will be too weak to do anything. And the rodeo master will get away just like that.
This black horse will explode anyway. But we can reduce the damages by drenching the hay stack and the keg with water. This way more people can be saved and the rodeo master will have to take responsibility on the black horse's explosion.
We need to stop the spread of rumors that will incite hatred among people at grassroot level. We need to stop the spread of rumors about ISIS invasion that will create hostilities between the locals and the refugees.
Enter the panda. China has made a long term preparation to challenge US economic domination on global trade. Just like Russia, China also offers the flexibility in payment system. But this panda is really smart. While the bear tends to go straight forward, the panda uses the more subtle moves. In the end, the bear gets surrounded while the panda gets factories. We should remember that this panda had direct training from Zhuge Liang thousands years ago. Zhuge Liang got hundreds of robocow for free from Sima Yi and our panda gets hundreds of factories for free from foreign investors.
It started when Deng Xiaoping set the focus on economy. With its throng size of cheap and obedient labor force, China quickly gained popularity among business people. Added with its commitment to develop technology, China's manufacturing capacity grows fast at the expense of foreign investors. The Chinese diaspora also bring help in developing marketing web. And all is set to stand as another global business center.
To fortify its new position, China set Shanghai as the eastern competitor for New York both in financial market, commodities market and any markets that can be rigged (you name it and these two cities will rig it for you). Another big nuclear country has jumped into the fray.
Without the presence of China as the new challenger to US economic hegemony the global economy has already been so messy. The US economy is faltering. It's because the bankers cartel has kicked the manufacturing jobs out of the country. The main manufacturing jobs left in US are dominated by military industries.
The cartel then makes the move to buy natural resources sites in emerging countries with their collapsing fiat currency. So far they have been successful in putting pressure on those targeted countries’ currencies. But this move can only be maintained as long as those countries are still using petrodollar as their national reserves.
Once those countries start to abandon petrodollar (when they realize that they have been fooled to sell out their countries), then US will be left stranded with over-printed fiat money. This is a dangerous gamble done by the bankers cartel. They will be pushed to incite rebellion in many countries or to wage war against the commodity rich countries that abandon petrodollar.
With the presence of China as the new challenger to US economic hegemony, the global economy can breath a relieve breath. Or is it? Making a deal with big kids on the block turns out to be so tricky. Many countries found themselves trapped between two greedy powers. It takes great courage and determination to be able to get a mutually profitable deal with those squabling big kids.
On the other hand, political situation will also be messier than before. Many countries will try their lucks by asking China to protect them from the cartel’s assaults. This will leads to the rise of new strong business alliance. The contest between the old and the new business power will be so fierce that it can thorns many countries into pieces.
Governments need to have strong bonds with their people. Leaders of nations need to eradicate corruption in their countries. Without unity and commitment to eradicate corruption, many nations will be swept by civil unrest caused by the fierceness of current powers competition.
Will current global situation leads us to WW3? Will humanity falls? Nobody knows. We don’t know how the competition between New York and Shanghai will escalate. The only thing we know is that it will be dominated by business competition and it will be diferrent with the cold war era.
There will be tensions in many aspects of a country’s economy as current powers competition will affects natural resources management, local business and job opportunities.
The removal of bankers cartel and their cronies from this earth will be the first key factor in attaining peace for this earth. They aren’t too big to get jailed. The current focus is set to the bankers cartel and their cronies because they are responsible for the creation of the global bubble that we are facing with today.
When this bubble bursts, many people will be drowned into poverty and get restless. Those bankers had created hunger game in Middle East and rigged Euro market that set Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland for sale. And now they want to burst the bubble of all bubbles. The next burst will sets many countries for garage sale.
If you think that they love their country, then you’re wrong. This cartel has its own goals and it doesn’t care about its own country’s welfare. The US middle class is disappearing. Most of the manufacturing jobs in US have already been exported. New jobs created are mostly cheap jobs. The millenials will find themselves at odds with the baby boomers. The cheap jobs won’t help these millenials and their next generations to finance the ponzi healthcare under the pressure of tax cuts enjoyed by the cleptocrats. A cup of wheat a dinar and three cups of barley a dinar. And the bankers do this in their own country.
What about China? This rising global power has shown a surprising level of greed. But we can still hope that China’s government will be willing to give us a fair and mutually profitable deal because their main focus is business.
China isn’t interested with Megido, any business will do for China. As long as we’re free to develop our own currency system, then we can maintain our freedom when dealing with China. It’s all depended upon the government’s commitment to the people.
The next important step will be the announcement of financial jubilee to release the tension of the bubble created by bankers without igniting riots among global population.
The third step will be the restoration of food production system in many countries. All countries should have the right to protect their own food production systems. The hunger game in Middle East is a tragedy that shouldn’t happen again in the future.
And last but not least is the implementation of asset backed currency system by all countries to prevent the creation of new monstrous financial bubbles. The worst thing that comes from fiat money system is the monopolistic power held by certain currency producers.
Gold will gives all countries freedom from monopolistic currency market. A country's currency value may increases or decreases according to its ability to back its international trades with gold. And gold can't be monopolized, even individuals can provide supplies for gold. People can switch to physical gold measures anytime they feel that their currencies don't reflect the real values of their products.
Gold base transactions will reduce the bankers ability to create big bubble as the printed money will be based on the amount of gold reserves. Bubbles still exist in gold base economy but their size and range of effect won't be as big as fiat money bubbles. Printing money like crazy and combining it with low interest rate will only destroy one currency but has no effect either on gold or other currencies.
What about digital money? Well, it's good for individuals and can be used by corporations too. But at state level, many things need to be done before digital money can be used as state's currency. It has a good ideological foundation: money that can be accessed and monitored by everyone. As for its function to serve all kinds of transactions, digital money has already become one of the best people's currencies. And it has freedom from fiat money system.
But if we want to build a fair money system, then we need to ban its path to monopolistic market right from the start. Gold has that characteristic. This digital money is good for individuals and corporations but it needs more works to be used as state's currency. As for now, it's a peer to peer currency that can be used across nations and free from fiat money.
Many people will try to defend the using of fiat money as a country's wealth reserve. Economists have already got used with all the statistics and the maths of fiat money system. With those quantitative tools in their hands, they boast they can present quantitative explanations on what's going on and what to do.
Money system will create a cycle of boom and bust period. When it booms, more credits will flow into the economy to meet the demands for more money in expanding economy. Some credits then turn bad and become uncollectible. As the bad debts accumulated the economy will suffer the consequences and eventually gets busted. After bad debts cleansing, the economy is ready to boom again. And fiat money has been so successful in giving flexibility for the central bank to decide how much money needed to be supplied into the economy.
Long ago, the economists loved to use GNP as the mark of mamon that we need to worship every month. Today they change the letter N with D. They say that the letter change is the expression of globalization. The governments don't need to cling on nationalism anymore and the barriers for money and goods should be demolished.
Then we promoted outsourcing along with globalization. And we cerished the separation of production process across nations. We built a global house cards of production system that will crumbles quickly whenever one of its cards falls. And now some G-string production need to be halted because some countries fail to deliver the fabrics. Too bad, no sexy summer this year?
With the support from vast majority of governments, global organizations and economists, the fiat money system shows no intention to get out of the way. And even when the fiat system starts to crumble, its supporters still put their efforts to defend it.
Current foundation of fiat money system is an illusion of a country's wealth explained with manipulated statistics and assumed mathematical models on the rigged markets. Its supporters had seen the effectiveness of Weapons of Mass Deception used in Iraq war. Now they apply the financial market version of this weapon. The fiat money supporters are so delighted in deceiving global population with charts and numbers. Let's hope they don't come up with bomb cartoon in their next presentations.
So where are we heading with this fiat money system? Endless boom, bust, busted, combusted and bombed cycles. And worse, this endless cycle gets bigger and deadlier as time goes by. After dotcom came subprime and after subprime came mideast hunger game. What next? Global hunger game.
One thing that seems to be covered up by fiat money supporters is the current robbery done by the bankers cartel on global population. The cartel reaps profits from the use of negative rate in western countries combined with the use of rumors in other countries.
The people in western hemisphere find their savings being robbed with admin expenses charged to them. As for their consumption, the western people are entrapped in debts from credit sales carefully designed to make the spending looks cheap. And the people in other hemispheres find their national assets being robbed with rumors that set their countries for sale.
The cartel drives us all toward poverty. No matter where we come from, the cartel robs us all. The fiat money system, controlled by the cartel, has nothing to do with the people welfare. Income inequality rises along with the rise of GDP. There's no trickle down effect. In fact, we are facing the siphon up effect that sucks the real assets of a country and entraps the country into debts.
Petrodollar system gives monopolistic power to the cartel to decide the value of everything on this earth. No matter what a country's government does, as long as that country stays inside the petrodollar system, it's the cartel who decide the level of that country's wealth.
That is why more and more countries jump ship to other monetary system. Jumping to other ship will give them the chance to develop their countries without being controlled by the cartel. Some countries managed to survive while others failed.
Iran survived with strong bond between the government and the people as their domestic foundation. But Iran also gains support from Russia and China. On the other hand, Iraq and Libya failed. Both Sadam Husein and Gaddafi instituted totalitarian governments. These two leaders didn't build unity, what they built was uniformity. It's easy for the cartel to invent a reason to remove them. And Sadam Husein made one more blunder, he tried to jump to another fiat money ship. And the owner of this ship f*d him out for good.
And last year Bundesbank tried its luck by asking its gold back from the Fed. In reply to this request, they got yelled by the Fed. Then US government added troops and nuke missiles in Germany. That's not the way to move ahead the curve. It takes solidarity and not greed to save yourself from the next bubble burst. And why the Fed voted for Yellen? They knew that they will need to yell at the countries who want their gold back.
Let's add salts to the wound. The world's most prominent fiat money are not even government money. Petrodollar, the flagship of fiat money, is created by the Fed which is a private entity. And the cartel is the main element behind this private entity. And the cartel charges interest to the government for the printing of money out of thin air. And the cartel demands more tax cuts for its members.
Let's add acids to the wound. The cartel members love to spread rumors about a country's debts and risks management while they themselves are exposed to trillions of dollars derivatives that can bring them down within seconds. Of course they don't need to get worry about their exposures to high risk assets, they can ask the government to bail them out with taxpayers money whenever they get into troubles.
Let's add caustic soda to the wound. The cartel has no obligation whatsoever to fix their financial problems with the bailout money. They are free to use the bailout money to create hunger game every where they want. And then they can celebrate the new year eve with big bonuses for the way they use bailout money.
Let's add cyanide to the wound, the market for petrodollar is guarded by NATO, MSM, MNC, bombs, ISIS and Fascist Battalion. Any attempts to exit from petrodollar system will be responded with isolation from fiat money flow by US government and demonizing by MSM. If that country still wants to exit, then trade sanctions will be employed. Not enough to prevent the exit? Local business and politicians will be bribed to ruin the economy and incite uprising. Then the bombs will be dropped to "save the peaceful movement from government's atrocities". And voila! We got ISIS on the ground. And in Christian countries, we got Fascist Battalion on the ground.
ISIS will pump the oil and sell it to Turkey. Turkey will ship the oil to Israel. And Israel will sell the oil to Europe. And in order to degrade ISIS, drones will be deployed to bomb their positions. NATO will proclaim that their bombs have sucessfully destroyed ISIS positions and ISIS territory will expand. That has to be some kind of futuristic bomb as it can bring such contradicting effects. And to express their gratitude for the drones' actions, ISIS people will upload some beheading footages they did on western journalists on youtube.
And if we compare ISIS and Fascist Battalion in their business senses, it's clear that ISIS is far superior than current representations of Fascist Battalion. While ISIS can do profitable business, Fascist Battalion can only run around shooting shits and crucifying people. And worse, Fascist Battalion bosses smuggled out their national gold reserve without any clear gain for them. Nobody knows why did they do that and who got the gold. Anyway, both ISIS and Fascist Battalion got their official training from US military. And the funny thing about ISIS and Fascist Battalion is that they love to do selfie with John McCain.
Greece and Brazil can be seen as the opening cards in the cartel's gamble. If these countries give up and sell out their assets, then the cartel can use them as the examples to put pressures on other commodity rich countries. But if Greece and Brazil refuse to sell out their national assets, the other commodity rich countries can use their examples to stand up against the cartel.
But saying no to the cartel is not an easy thing to do. With the rise of people awareness about the cartel's intention to set the world for sale, each option can be seen as f*d up option for many governments. Each option will cost the people their welfare, or worse, their lives. They hate the idea of selling out the country to the cartel but they are also afraid of getting f*d by drones and ISIS/Fascist Batallions.
Will it be better for the governments to let the people get involved in deciding the option? I'd say yes. But the governments aren't obliged to announce anything, there are many informal channels that can be used to discuss things with the people. This way the governments can make the move without being noisy and with full backup from the people.
If a country wants to reject the sell out program, then it will need to disentangle itself from petrodollar system. Saying no without any attempts to disentangle itself from fiat money system will be a stupid move, it's like placing the country as sitting duck to be shot at anytime. If you want to jump ship then don't just stand on the fence, Leonardo di Caprio won't be there to hold your hands.
The cartel won't let any country refuse the sell out program. What happened to Sadam Husein and Gaddafi when they tried to get out of petrodollar system? Other countries that want to leave the petrodollar system should know what it takes to protect their national assets.
The most important requirement is the people awareness about what happens to their country. The people need to know that their country is in fiat money system and is being targeted for the garage sale plan. If they refuse to sell out their country then they need to know what are the stakes involved in their rejection. The isolation will force them to find new markets for their products. In the house of cards production system, some producers will have to change their business as they can't sell their current products to the new markets. And other producers will not be able to continue their productions because they can't find suppliers in available markets.
The adjustments in economy will damage the wealth of many people. And the worst scenario is watching the iron hawks flying around and dropping bombs on their heads. But if the government and the people are united to rejects the sell out option, then the country can pass through the obstacles put by the cartel to hinder their exit from petrodollar system.
To sell or not to sell the country? The benefit of exit from petrodollar system is the chance to develop the country in accordance with the vision written in constitution. Current global economy only benefits the cartel. The siphon up effect will drains the welfare of the country and turns the local population into slaves in their own home. With freedom from fiat money, a country can decide what to do with its own national assets. With current pathetic share portion given by MNCs for each natural asset, a country can only dreams about bringing prosperity to its people.
The second important thing is the commitment to eradicate corruption. A country with rampant corruption will get ruined. The contest between the old and the new business powers will drowns a corrupt country into chaos no matter what choice it picks.
It's a global big money contest, the cartel vs BRICS.
In the blue corner, the cartel which has control over NATO members. Legal contribution (bribery) system to the politicians in some strongest NATO members has open the way for the cartel to use NATO for its agenda. With the greatest firepower and economy in hand, the cartel gets both the advantages in terms of wealth and military.
Its core problem is the legalized bribery that has ruined its business capacity. Rotten infrastructures and siphon up effects that destroys its middle class make the cartel looks like an old giant filled with obesity problems. It can't hold on for long but it still packs a great punch.
Its main strength is the ability of the people inside it to make self correction and turn the course of history. As for now, this old giant refuses to listen to the people. This giant chooses to use economic viagra prescribed by its central banks and wage wars on those who raise the alarms.
In the red corner, BRICS countries. Doesn't really great at wealth and military. But you don't need to be the greatest in military power if you have enough nukes in your arsenal. China is the flagship of this group. As for the experiences in alternative money system, Russia and China are veteran players. They both have experimented with communism. China started to mix market oriented economy with communism since 1970s and Russia enter the market since 1990s. Brazil, India and South Africa are always the market players. As for experiences in flexible payment system, it has become common practices for BRICS members. Russia and China have expanded this alternative monetary system to many countries.
China's infrastructures have been upgraded and China is busy building modern silkroad now. This modern silkroad will includes land and sea routes. This will spurs business in many countries. And BRICS invites other countries to prosper together with business as the foundation of the new relationships with flexible payment system.
Newly built infrastructures and attractive invitation are the main strength of BRICS. But this group is also addicted to economic viagra and will suffer the damages from it. And the dreamed glorious trade route can get routed if this group doesn't walk carefully.
The contest will be done in literally everything. From the dance floors, battlefields, casinos, factories, general elections, news, movies etc. Sometimes we can observe it but most of the time the contest will be done silently in disguised ways.
The contest will be played in two rounds, with an extra round when one of the contestants goes nuts.
The first round is the preparation to face the bubble burst. Each contestant will rush to make better preparations to be able to arise first after the explosion. At the same time, they will try to get as many partners as possible to join their preparations.
Both sides will talk about peace and prosperity. The cartel will give currency pressures, hunger games and bombardments to prove its commitment for peace and prosperity. On the other side, BRICS will present the development of modern silkroad to prove its commitment for peace and prosperity. Fear vs hope at roughly equal greed level, you decide.
The second round is after the bubble burst. Both sides will try to arise quicker than its opponent. Basically, the cartel got the advantage with its monopoly on petrodollar. But the explosion will also damages the wealth of western people.
Western governments and central banks will become the first culprits for the burst. Being unwilling to accept the accusations, those puppet governments might point their fingers to the cartel.
At the same time, the BRICS will use their accumulated gold as the foundation to build confidence in their people and other countries to keep building the silkroad and increasing business among them while finishing the trade route development.
In the end, both sides will face equal difficulties. The prospect of becoming the culprit on one side and the prospect of failing to realize the trade routes on the other side.
The extra round will start whenever a contestant can't stand the heat and push the nuke button. This cheat button would mean game over for all of us.
The most used weapon in this contest is money. Money can be used either to help or to destroy a country. A corrupt country will get tossed around. Local business can be used to ruin the country's economy and local leaders can be bribed to start the uprising.
That's why the choice to exit from the petrodollar system, i.e. to reject the sell out option, must be built on the strong commitment to eradicate corruption. Removing corruption from the country is the foundation for bringing justice to the country for the love of money is the root of all evil.
What if a country with rampant corruption wants to do the jump ship? Making the move to eradicate corruption can be a dangerous move for a country like this. The administration will get stalled and the country will face the risk of becoming a fail state. But there's one thing that can be done by this country to avoid that risk. Prepare the law to be used to eradicate corruption. Declare amnesty and empty the prisons at the day before the new law implemented. All prisoners get freedom that day, to make it fair for all prisoners. It's a reboot in social life. Everyone learn to forgive each others and to build the real unity. Total amnesty will be done only once and then implement the new law with full commitment. This is just a basic idea. All governments will come up with their own inovations to eradicate corruption.
But whatever a country wants to do there's one thing that will come to global population. The next bubble will explode. The explosion will be used by the cartel to force the sell out of natural resources under the guises of merger, contracts, debts or investments. If the result is the take over of national assets at cheap prices then it's a sell out.
The cartel has been successful in creating a deflationary condition amid financial stimulus in western countries. It is done by doing two things. First is chaneling the money into financial markets. This makes most of the money pumped into the economy goes into the cartel's pockets. And the second is limiting public access to the pumped money mainly in debts, not in income. This reduces the people spending as they are already drowned in debts. The combination effects of these two actions are intended to set China as the cartel's manufacturing site and to set the commodity rich countries as the cartel's natural asset sites.
Bankruptcy will spread all over the world. The bankrupted countries will be forced to accepts all the terms included in the loan packages that the cartel gives to them. And as for the people, the cartel has been successful in turning most of us into money worshippers. The cartel will set the income level for most of the global population only enough for food. The people will scramble for food and do anything for that. The cartel wants to enslave the global population with the next bubble burst.
But this plan can only be done if most of the countries stay in fiat money system. The countries that make initiative to exit fiat money system will have the chance to contain the impacts of the next burst. This gives us the idea on why US government getting so generous in offering fiat money to Iran. Iran's freedom from fiat money system will make western people looks like a bunch of fools when they go bankrupt while Iranian people survive the next financial burst. And the funny thing about Iran is that Russia and China will suffer significant damages from the next explosion while the country they are supporting together survives it. The level of self-sustainability of each country will decide the damages taken from the next burst.
That's why China and Russia rush for gold while the cartel struggles to maintain the low price of precious metals in the market. The cartel needs to keep its fiat money afloat. The prices of gold and silver are some of important elements that decide the people's acceptance of fiat money. Keeping the prices of precious metals at low level will fool global population to think that fiat money is strong. And these two countires exploit this hole to grab gold and build their own assets backed currency system.
This leads to a strange phenomenon where the price of gold in spot market is higher than its price in future market. Then some people notice this move and getting suspicious. And our panda applied another lesson taken from Zhuge Liang when he was asked by Zhou Yu to provide a hundred thousands arrows within one night. Scarecrows, boats and some cups of tea were all Zhuge Liang needed to finish the job.
And as for the cartel's plan to set China as its manufacturing site, the rise of Xiao Mei has given us the idea on how resilient is our panda. China has started to enter the competition in quality. With its fresh infrastructures, manufacturing capacity and level of technology, we will see other Xiao Mei in many kinds of products. Combined with the development of modern silkroad, China arises with prosper together as its approach. It's far more tempting than the cartel's slavery program. Feng shui matters.
Truly I say unto you, this is not a good news for the cartel. And so the cartel sets the whole world for garage sale, to grab resources sites and to curb China's competitiveness. If most of the countries are still in petrodollar system when the bubble burst, then the cartel will gain the advantages to force its terms and agenda to global population. And don't think that western people will be excluded from the slavery program, global means global (and it also means gombal for Indonesian as we're so deeply involved both in fiat money and separated production system here).
We can't stay out of their struggle, but we still have a chance to maintain our freedom by strengthening the unity among people and governments that cannot stand alone across nations. Jump ship to asset backed currency system. Promote small business interactions. Help each others in protecting domestic food production system. Ignore WTO as this organization only serves the cartel's greed and destroys many countries ability to produce food. Build intensive cooperation in distribution business among nations to help the small business keeping their selling prices at attainable level. Avoid window dressing in financial markets, chanel the funds to productive sectors. Using available funds for window dressing is useless, the cartel will drain the funds by pushing the market down again. And if the funds used in window dressing come from debts, lamentation of the next generations will be its final results. Jump ship is the best solution to break free. Do the jump ship with as many countries as possible to avoid getting demonized and attacked alone by the cartel. And finally, bring incentives on the development and the usage of cheap, simple, environmentaly friendly and labor intensive technologies among small business.
Doing business with the two powers is good as long as the governments know that they need to protect their people's welfare. Going nasty can be considered as one of "financial" tools. New York finds it fun to make server glitch to prevent market free fall. Shanghai does it Chicago style. And Moscow "experiences" the same server glitch when the market shows bad signs. There's no clear limits, but the governments should focus on fixing the real sectors first before doing nasty things on financial traders (I prefer to call them gamblers).
It would be better if the governments combine the power of small and big business to do international trades. Small is beautiful. Yes, but big is powerful. With the combination of both advantages we can upgrade our strength, speed and dexterity points and level up.
As for domestic consumption, it's time to start watching the local content statistics in fulfilling the agregate demands. Don't worry about the impacts of self-sustainability on international trade. People from diferrent cultures, technologies, terrains and climates will always have things to trade for.
All countries need to make good preparations to face the coming burst. The Fed's financial acrobats can only delay the explosion until the US government's debt reach unserviceable level. We are all moving fast toward the explosion. The countries that make no or little preparations to face the next burst will get drowned in worthless paper money. In the end, only the countries with asset backed currency system can survive the next explosion on condition that the explosion doesn't come from nukes.
The idea to abolish UN can also be considered as a good idea as this organization has failed to prevent bankers amok around the globe. Instead of maintaining peace, UN presents itself as the rubber stamp for the bankers to destabilize many countries. And WTO? We need to abolish this organization too. WTO has failed to bring a fair trade environment, it helps the bankers and their cronies to destroy the food production systems in many countries.
Other global institutions (World Bank, IMF, FAO, WHO etc.) should be abolished too. They only serve as the hard covers for the cartel. They charge a handsome amount of money from all countries for their existence. And with all their fairy tales of goals, visions and missions, they present us global chaos, famine, pestilence and death.
If only the Saudi willing to raise their own currency banner and set another business center, sharia economy or whatever, the power shift can proceeds in a much easier way. What about Japan? Setting up samurai economy can be a good idea. But the Japanese got a heavy burden with their zombie banks, they can only come up with yakuza economy right now. What about South East Asia? ASEAN members will face bumpy adjustments for their deep involvement in fiat money and separated production system. Some countries in South America and Africa are still in turmoils. But this gives them a good chance to fix their problems and start a new economy as they got nothing more to lose. They only need to find peace and they're all set to start a new life. And EU? This is a funny fiat money ship, its captain is Bibi's dairy cow. But all in all, a multipolar environment can grows more peacefully than the bipolar one.
If the cartel and its cronies agree to honour a country's sovereignity and pull back from their current agressive stances around the globe, then we can all start from the second step, i.e. Financial jubilee. And the world can cultivate new hopes on humanity. Building people in all of their aspects and not just pumping up their pockets with dangerous financial bubbles. Unlimited consumption growth in limited environment is an absurd dream.
What if Babylon refuses to repent and getting more agressive? Those who study the Bible should flee Babylon for the cup of God's wrath is on the way. Sharing Babylon's judgement is useless. And worse, Babylon's judgement could mean that history will follow what's written in the book of Revelation: The Beast will start to rule from Jerusalem.
Christians who support the Beast's agenda to build the third temple will regret their decision as this beast will repeat his ancestors' hobby: killing God's people just like his ancestors who love to kill God's prophets in ancient times.
When this beast reigns, the Jews who accept Yeshua as Messiah will need to flee from current Israel. And other Jews who deny the ruling of the beast will also be persecuted as things will be so f*d up in many regions. The persecutions on the Palestinians will be enlarged to include those who reject the beast.
Many people will get double treatments, being persecuted and demonized at the same time. What we see today in Gaza and West Bank will spread widely in the beast's teritory. People will get so confused and be driven to extremism. Added with false flags, only few who still want to cultivate peace under the persecutions from all sides.
Although eastern alliance can provide safe place from the beast's terror, I still hope that the world population can avoid this c(o)urse of history. Even eastern alliance will find it difficult to maintain stability without instituting more controls on its people. And freedom can only be enjoyed by nutcases who can endure mental and physical pressures from governments and societies.
Niniveh or Megido? It took only 40 days for the people of ancient Niniveh to fix their problems and pass the deadline as new society. They didn't have UN and all sophisticated global institutions. They didn't have fancy Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. Lo and behold, they're not even God's people. But with all their military and economic advantages plus their infidelities at that time, they were willing to reboot their society. And their leaders were willing to change their hearts too. In the end, they managed to build new society within 40 days with no baptist business included, with no resolutions from UN and with no Nobel Peace Prize winner advocations.
We don't need to go to Megido. Occupy peace, no foreign entanglements, build friendship among people, no more cruel social experiments, no more global domination bullshit. Let's build humanity based on mutual benefit principle and make peace with this earth too.
That's all for now.
I read the news that Freeport offered $18bn to get new contract until 2021. Let's ask them to pay the contract in physical gold and set its price at $100 per ounce. It would mean that they have to pay 180mn ounces of gold. They love to push down the gold price. Let's see how low can they go. And if they refuse the payment terms, then just tell them to pack their bags and go home. They just want to fool us with paper money while draining our real national assets.
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